Numerological report

❂ Numerology is the study of numbers and their properties. More specifically, we're interested in their energy vibrations. If we believe that a soul chooses an incarnation for a specific purpose, establishing a personalised numerology profile helps us better understand its aspirations and distinguish more clearly which path to follow.

❂ Your birthday and full birth name are all that is needed to discover the life path chosen by your soul, what it came to experience in the material world, as well as to build a portrait of the energies that guide you and can influence your personality and your desires.

That is why I particularly like to call it a guidebook: identifying the energy vibrations that move and impact a person can help them find the orientation that fits them better and make it their strength.

It is a tool for personal growth and self-awareness that can also become a real support in times of doubt and confusion.

❂ The Reiki session helps the body transmute dissonant energy and remove blockages in order to regain alignment and harmony for your general well-being.

❂ The numerology guidebook (about ten pages) helps you identify what caused these dissonances and how to work alongside the energy vibrations that your soul chose to experience in this life.

While the Reiki treatment invites you to read through the messages that your soul sends through your body and to dissolve its blocks, numerology offers a clear report on the choices that your soul made when you were born, which can allow you to gain perspective and to act accordingly.

❂ If you would like to know more, feel free to message me through the contact form down below; I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have! If you already feel like this is the right thing for you, then you can proceed and I'll get in touch with you as soon as I receive your order. We will then decide on a date and time together.

Know thyself


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M.Ananda soin énergétique
M.Ananda soin énergétique