M. for Mélissa
When I was little, I would tell everybody I was a witch.
I still am; I just don't identify with the wicked, manipulative villains from Disney anymore. I simply am a constantly growing person, trying to follow my life path in the most harmonious way possible.
Speaking of life paths, mine is guided by the energy vibrations of number 5. In numerology, number 5 represents freedom, adventure, and change, as well as restlessness. I now understand better why, from a very young age, I felt this strong need to travel as far as possible, desperately looking for this so-called "freedom".
I did it. I found my freedom, and I learned how to embody it. Not on a remote island, thousands of kilometres away from everything and everyone I knew — as I expected it — but here, in Europe, which is, in the end, the place where I feel best.

~ Mélissa
These frenetic years of travelling were part of my learning process. I had to uproot myself completely in order to choose to come back and create new, solid foundations. I needed to confront my fears and transmute them by letting Gaia and her wonders open my mind and my heart.
Still, I had to fit in a box. I could more or less shape it the way I liked, but a box is a box, no matter its shape.
Therefore, I decided I should become a teacher in order to save the world. I had to give meaning to my existence, to get my peers' approval. I needed validation.
So I taught, here and there. And it was lovely, really. But no.
There were some other professional attempts, but nothing very conclusive. There also were some hard times, the kind we all experience at one point.
In the meantime, I was going on with my spiritual awakening and connecting more and more with the healer hidden within me.
I ended up taking a Reiki course, and that's when it all shifted.
I loved teaching. I loved conceiving educational projects and guiding my students through their learning process. I love creating, I love sharing. But more than anything else, I love being free. Free to offer what I think to be right and true. Free to let anyone choose what's best for them and to support them the way we feel fit, instead of how we've been told to.
Once I got started, there was no stopping me. Ideas and aspirations kept coming. I became a Reiki Master, and I studied Numerology and Lithotherapy, among other things. I understood that, perhaps, leading a loud revolution wasn't the only way to change things; that I could simply live my truth, follow my heart, and still have an impact. In peace.
My goal, through M.Ananda, is to share what I have learned and that, personally, helps me thrive and experience life in the most harmonious and mindful way possible.
Your time being your most precious possession, I deeply thank you for spending some of it reading this, and I hope I'll get to know you soon.
Take great care of yourself.